Top 6 Benefits of Upgrading Ram From 8gb to 16gb

Benefits of Upgrading RAM from 8gb to 16gb: Having enough memory is essential for almost all computer-based tasks. This includes switching between multiple open apps while multitasking, which consumes more RAM, and moving your mouse cursor, which uses minimal RAM. Many background processes, including security software and system updates, also use RAM.

However, SSDs and HDDs are not the only types of memory storage; they can also be used to store data in memory. SSDs or HDs are used for long-term storage, such as saving a document, whereas RAM is used for short-term storage, such as undoing a previous action.

Simply put, you require more GB of RAM the more tasks you perform on your computer. You’ll probably need to upgrade your computer’s memory over time as newer programs demand more memory space.

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Top 6 Benefits of Upgrading Ram From 8gb to 16gb

Here are the top benefits of Upgrading RAM:

1. Better Multitasking

Your computer can run more applications simultaneously without slowing down if it has 16GB of RAM. For tasks like video editing, 3D rendering, and running virtual machines, this is especially advantageous.

Computers can experience significant slowdowns when running more programmes at once before upgrading the memory. Multitaskers benefit from a memory upgrade, as more memory implies more programmes can run simultaneously.

When running a programme like a word processor, emulators, and browsers like Chrome and Firefox, the microprocessor extracts the executable file from the hard drive and loads it into RAM.

2. Better  computer startup time

If your computer does not have enough space to run multiple programs, the startup may be delayed. You will notice that the capacity is insufficient if you use something that requires much power, such as video editing.

When the RAM capacity of a computer is increased, not only the startup time but also the shutdown time improves significantly.

A computer with more RAM can run any program much faster than before, even if it is a single process. If you are working on video editing while simultaneously running multiple CPU functions, your PC can perform all of these operations faster.

3. Better gaming and GUI performance

If you run several resource-demanding programs at once, you’ll probably notice a drop in overall computer performance, and it’s possible that the computer even starts to slow down. This issue is fixed by increasing the RAM for gaming. More RAM should be installed in this situation.

If your PC is primarily used for playing games and running graphics applications, you should have at least 16 GB of RAM installed.

If the RAM requirements for your gaming computer are met. In that case, you won’t have any issues with applications that require those resources, enabling you to play uninterruptedly and boosting your chances of winning. Without slower response times, games function more smoothly despite more rapid interactivity and jerky movements of a smaller scale.

Compared to computers with little to no RAM, PCs with more memory have better 3D rendering capabilities and can render more detail. A memory upgrade improves the clarity and brilliance of game graphics.

Depending on the computing power available, the operating system uses the GUI features selectively. More graphics-intensive features can be used when a computer has more RAM.

When memory is low, the operating system reduces user interface resources like shadowing, animations, and other features. GPU has memory because of this.

4. More Rapid Data Transfer

Are You Aware that the amount of RAM can be increased to significantly increase disc and device data transfer rates? Downloading or uploading files and data on the Internet will improve greatly, but do you wonder how?

Data is first copied to RAM and then pasted to the new location when you move it from one area of the hard drive to another. More space is available to paste data when RAM capacity is increased. Therefore, this stage moves along much faster with larger amounts of RAM. When downloading or uploading, this is the same.

5. Increases processor speed and decreases CPU load

Several aspects affect a computer’s speed, but the CPU has the most significant influence. It is the brain of the computer because it constantly performs many computations.

The processor can access more data rapidly and effectively with more RAM, which is suitable for processors with fewer cores like Celeron CPUs, Intel Pentium, etc.

6. Optimal  web browsing

Adding 16 GB of RAM or more allows you to watch videos or your favorite movies online without interruption.

Being able to run as many tabs in the browser at once without experiencing any problems is one of the benefits of having a high RAM, which can be very useful for working and studying online.

After a memory upgrade, internet browsing is typically noticeably faster than before. Internet browsers load faster after a memory upgrade, regardless of Internet speed or hardwired Internet. Flash content and web pages can both open more quickly with more memory.

This is because, after an upgrade, more RAM is available, which speeds up browsing. When a computer runs out of RAM to store information, it uses hard disc memory instead. Consequently, improving your memory could be beneficial in the future, whether for work or for fun!

After a RAM upgrade, computers connected to a LAN or WAN network may experience faster and more capable sharing. This also applies to computer networks that share printers. Consider upgrading your memory if you print a lot, especially if you print documents with graphics and illustrations.

Benefits of Upgrading Ram From 8gb to 16gb (FAQ)

Is the upgrade from 8GB to 16GB of RAM worth it?

Yes, upgrading your RAM gives your PC a noticeable performance improvement. It is worthwhile to upgrade your RAM from 8GB to 16GB if you stream, play games, or use your computer heavily. You can run more programs faster and with more open windows if you have more RAM.

The frequencies and cache sizes of each RAM are different. Because 16GB RAM has more cache capacity than 8GB RAM, it can do more tasks simultaneously.

Is 16GB of RAM sufficient?

Our recommendation for intermediate users wanting increased speed and seamless operation is 16GB of RAM. This might be extremely helpful if you frequently have many programs open and running at once. This amount of RAM is also suitable for casual gamers and typical office workers.

Will I require additional RAM in the future?

The minimum system requirements for practically every app continue to rise. Still, it is feasible to configure your computer with enough memory to prevent needing to upgrade regularly. Because maxing up your installed RAM will most likely serve till the end of your computer’s life, it’s advisable to be proactive and add more RAM as needed.

Upgrading your operating system is frequently an opportunity to update your memory. Because your computer’s operating system relies on hardware resources such as RAM to function effectively, the OS substantially impacts overall performance. A newer version of an operating system typically requires more memory than its predecessor. Adding extra RAM when upgrading your operating system ensures a smoother transition, minimizes potential difficulties, and optimizes system performance.

Furthermore, new software, notably productivity applications like photo editing software, video editing programs, and games, frequently requires more RAM than its predecessors. Similarly, new hardware components such as video cards, storage, and even the processor need enough memory to deliver on their promises.

If you’re buying a low-cost computer with limited memory, you might want to consider a memory upgrade. Check out the possible upgrades before paying a higher price for additional preinstalled RAM. You may be able to save money while significantly improving performance.

Is 16GB of RAM sufficient for streaming?

Yes, RAM 16GB is perfect for streaming. Most streamers multitask while streaming, such as playing video games. The optimal RAM setup for such intensive power tasks is 16GB. These processes require more cache and RAM to run concurrently.


The benefits of adding RAM to a computer are obvious in terms of increasing processing speed and are clearly effective. If you like this article, feel free to like, comment and share.

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