Is 32 GB RAM Enough For Gaming – What You Need To Know

Is 32 GB RAM Enough For Gaming: Gaming technology evolves occasionally; hence, more advanced hardware such as RAM (Random Access Memory), is needed. The RAM is essential to any gaming setup as it determines your gaming system’s speed and overall performance. You may be wondering, “Is 32 GB RAM enough for gaming?

There is an overwhelming number of options presented before you when it comes to choosing RAM for gaming. 32 GB RAM is enough, especially if you play a new, advanced, detailed game with hectic graphics and processing requirements. 32 GB RAM will significantly improve your game speed and overall gaming experience.

Choosing RAM for your gaming device is also determined by your seriousness and which game you are playing. Older and simple games do not require up to 32 GB RAM, but if you prefer advanced, detailed, and adventurous games, 32 GB RAM is exactly what you need.  Do you have more questions about RAM and gaming? Below are all the answers you need.

The Essence Of RAM In Overall Gaming Performance

You can’t underemphasize the importance of RAM in your overall gaming experience. Random Access Memory (RAM) is the primary storage component for a device’s data processing activity. One thing is sure: having adequate RAM improves your game speed and general performance.

The reason is that most games require excessive data to be installed into the RAM, including new models, graphics, animations, and texture. When there is insufficient RAM, your device begins to use the hard drive to process data temporarily. This will lead to lagging and, slow loading, and poor performance.

Adequate RAM space makes multitasking easy and harmless, a great advantage for gamers who love running other apps and programs in the background while playing. For instance, with sufficient RAM, you can run live streaming software in the background while you enjoy your game at the same time.

The software in the background won’t affect your game speed or overall performance. You must invest in sufficient RAM space to get the best gaming experience on your PC.

32 GB RAM For Gaming

One of the common questions about RAM for gaming is, “Is 32GB RAM enough for gaming”? 32B RAM is adequate for gaming, but on the other hand, the RAM space you go for depends on the game you choose because you may not need up to 32GB RAM for some games. 32GB RAM, however, helps your PC multitask efficiently without the fear of crashing or slow performance.

Many new and highly-detailed games require ample space for swift data processing; hence, you need 32GB RAM. Also, suppose you like recording or doing a live stream of your gaming experience. In that case, 32GB will allow you to efficiently run all those programs in the background without affecting your gameplay.

How Much RAM Do You Need For Gaming

The RAM space you need depends on which game you want to play, as RAM requirements vary based on each game’s size, graphics, and data. For whatever game you choose, it is advisable to check the RAM requirement as instructed by the developers. Adequate RAM is required to store all the data of the gameplay.

Inadequate RAM space will lead to lagging, slow loading, poor frame rates, and overall performance. Below are some recommendations on which RAM you need for gaming;


Due to significant advancements in game production, more than 4GB RAM is needed to run any new game. It can run games produced a few years ago, but investing in at least 8GB for better performance would be best. Games like Valorant, DOTA 2, and GTA 5 can still run on 4GB RAM, but the performance may be poor.

With 4GB RAM, the FPS of the Fortnite game will be 64, while that of Apex Legends is 58 FPS.


This is the least amount of RAM for any gaming device. 8GB RAM allows you to play several new games with fewer issues. However, with 8GB, you may not enjoy the performance of some games, they may be poor in speed, and you won’t be able to run other applications in the background.

On an 8GB RAM computer, you can play games like World of Warcraft with 73 FPS, Apex Legends with 108 FPS, and Call Of Duty with 61 FPS.


The recommended amount of RAM for any gaming computer is 16GB. It is the best RAM space for improved speed and overall gaming performance. With 16GB, you can run other software and programs in the background while enjoying your gameplay without hiccups.

With 16GB RAM, you can play games like Apex Legends with 135 FPS, Fortnite with 108 FPS, and World of Warcraft with 91 FPS. All these games will run smoothly on this RAM size with the best speed and overall performance.

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The 32GB is a discovery among gamers due to improved FPS and overall excellent gaming experience. 32GB is the best for advanced graphical gameplay, while you can run other programs and apps in the background, such as Chrome, Spotify, and system software.

It is almost unlikely to get a 32GB RAM device for gaming; if you don’t have the budget for 32GB and only use your computer for gaming, just splash your cash on 16GB RAM. However, 32GB RAM will improve your gaming experience and future-proof your computer for any new game version.

With 32GB, you can play World of Warcraft at 103 FPS, Apex Legends at 143 FPS, and Fortnite at 143 FPS.

Difference Between 16GB And 32GB RAM

One of the crucial decisions when buying a new computer is choosing the best RAM space that will satisfy the purpose of buying that computer. The most common question when making this decision is the inquiry about the difference between 16 and 32GB; the answer would depend on what the PC would be used for.

For regular computer users, 16GB is more than enough to carry out basic tasks like watching movies, listening to music, browsing, and playing medium-level games. However, 32GB is the best for heavy gameplay, video editing, and graphic design. 32GB will allow you to store heavy data while you run multiple apps in the background simultaneously.

The Best RAM Size For Future-Proofing Games

8GB RAM is the least size for any game-playing computer. However, if you want to future-proof your device for new game versions, 16 or 32GB RAM is the best. 16 or 32GB RAM is the best to future-proof your device for games of high graphics, resolution, and advanced gameplay.

Having adequate RAM size does not only improves your gaming experience but also improves your multitasking and game load time.

NOTE: Large RAM size is not the sole determiner of improved and flawless gameplay. There are other quality factors, such as CPU and device graphics cards.

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You May Also Ask

1.    Does RAM Affect Gaming Audio Quality?

The overall performance of your PC, which is influenced by the RAM, can also affect the audio quality of your game. Inadequate RAM will slow down your system speed, causing stuttering in the game and preventing the sync between the audio and gameplay.

2.    Can I Use Overclocked RAM For Gaming?

You can use overclocked RAM for gaming. An overclocked RAM improves your device’s speed and performance, improving the gaming experience and swift loading time. However, note that overclocking has some disadvantages if not correctly done.

3.    Does RAM Affect Gaming FPS?

The amount of RAM on a gaming PC will significantly affect the FPS of games (Frame Per Second). RAM is a temporary storage the computer uses to run applications and store data. Your PC accesses data from the RAM during gameplay to execute better graphics, speed, and overall efficient gameplay.

When the RAM is low, it becomes complicated for your PC to access data, hence, low FPS.

4.    What’s The Benefit Of 32GB RAM For Gaming?

The most significant advantage of purchasing 32 GB RAM for gaming is that it improves game speed, audio, FPS, and overall gaming experience. Also, with 32GB of RAM, you can efficiently multitask and run multiple apps in the background while you enjoy your game without any issues.

5.    If I Upgrade My RAM, Will It Improve My Gaming Experience On A Low-End PC?

With RAM upgrades, you will notice significant changes on your low-end PC, especially for gaming. With extra space, your low-end PC can efficiently manage data, leading to excellent gameplay and fast load time.


Is 32GB RAM enough for gaming? The amount of RAM you need depends on the game you want to play and how many programs run in the background. You will perfectly run some old games with 8GB RAM, while 16GB will improve your gaming experience. 16 and 32GB are game changers for the overall gaming experience.



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