Do All Motherboards Have Ethernet Ports? – What You Need To Know

The ethernet cable connects the network cable to your PC. Most desktop computers use a wire internet connection, but ethernet is the best option for a stable and fast internet connection. One thing is sure: All PCs have a motherboard, but the main question is, “Do all motherboards have ethernet ports?

Almost all motherboards have ethernet ports. However, with the recent popularity of Wi-Fi connection, most motherboards now come with integrated Wi-Fi instead of ethernet ports. In addition, some motherboards came with ethernet ports and integrated Wi-Fi; for example, the z490 gaming edge motherboard.

Also, some motherboards have two ethernet ports, primarily used in server motherboards to store and transfer files and data at a fast wired connection. Does your motherboard have ethernet ports?

How To Know If Your Motherboard Has Ethernet Ports

If you need to figure out whether your motherboard has ethernet ports, below are the best methods;

Do All Motherboards Have Ethernet Ports

1.    Check The Motherboard Manufacturer’s Spec

Checking the motherboard manufacturer’s specs is the best and easiest way to spot the ethernet ports in your motherboard. Go to Google and search for your PC’s motherboard specs; you will get information about Wi-Fi and ethernet connection availability.

2.    Check The I/O Panel Of Your Pc

The I/O panel is located at the back or side of your PC. It is rectangular and resembles a phone jack (LAN port); if you can find it, it means your motherboard has ethernet ports. If not, your computer does not have any ethernet port.

3.    Check Your Computer Settings

You can also check if your motherboard has an ethernet port from your PC’s settings. Follow the steps below;

  • Go to settings
  • Click Network and internet
  • Click “view hardware and connection properties.”
  • If you see “ethernet,” then your motherboard has an ethernet port.

Your Motherboard Does Not Have Ethernet Ports – What You Should Do

If your motherboard lacks an ethernet port, it is not the end of the world because you can access the internet in other ways. They include;

1.    Ethernet LAN Card

If your motherboard does not have ethernet ports, using the ethernet LAN card is the best and easiest way to access the internet. The LAN cards can have single or multiple LAN port capabilities, and you can install them to the x1 PCI-E on your motherboard.

2.    Ethernet USB Adapter

The ethernet USB adapter is the second way you can connect to the internet without a built-in ethernet port. Connect the adapter to the USB port on your motherboard, then connect the ethernet cable to the adapter to get a fast and stable network connection. One side of your adapter is the male USB hub, while the other has the ethernet port for the RJ-45 pin.

3.    USB Wi-Fi Adapter

In the absence of an ethernet port on your motherboard, the USB Wi-Fi adapter is another option. Make sure you have a Wi-Fi router in your house, then replace the wire connection with a wireless one through a small device called the USB Wi-Fi adapter. All you have to do is connect the adapter to the USB port on your motherboard, then enjoy a swift internet connection.

How To Test The Ethernet Port On Your Motherboard

Do you want to test the functionality of the ethernet board on your motherboard? Below are some simple methods to use.

1.    Use Ethernet Loopback Plug

The ethernet loopback plug will help you connect one side of your ethernet cable to your motherboard’s port and the other to the loopback plug. It will send data between the two devices, making it easy to determine if your motherboard’s ethernet ports function well.

2.    Connect To Another Device

Another way to test if the ethernet port on your motherboard is functioning correctly is to connect it to another PC with an ethernet connection. To do this, you can use tools such as Ping or Traceroute to check the connection between your device and another. If you are able to connect and send files between two PCs, then your ethernet port is functioning well.

The ethernet port has two lights, green and orange. The green light confirms a successful connection during data exchange, while the orange light shows a successful connection between the wire and the hub. If both lights function well, then your ethernet port is intact.

Can The Ethernet Port Be Replaced On The Motherboard?

Experts don’t advise replacing the ethernet port on your motherboard because the port is connected directly to the circuit on your motherboard and some other essential components. However, if replacement is the only option, you can buy a replacement ethernet port from a store offline or online.

Below are the few steps you must follow while replacing the ethernet port on your motherboard;

  • Disconnect your PC from all electric sources, then unscrew the motherboard from the case.
  • Detach all hardware, such as RAM, hard disks, and power cables, from the motherboard.
  • Use a soldering iron to unsolder the old port from the motherboard.
  • Then, insert the new port and use a soldering iron to solder it back to the motherboard.
  • Test if the new port is functioning well by inserting the ethernet cable.

Experts recommend using USB, ethernet adapters, or LAN cards instead of taking the high risk of replacing the ethernet port. All components of the motherboard interlink, and removing one may damage another, rendering the entire motherboard useless.

How To Enable LAN On The Motherboard

You can enable LAN on your motherboard using two methods.

1.    BIOS Settings

To use this method, go to the BIOS or control panel settings to enable LAN on your motherboard. Follow these steps;

  • Restart your PC, then press F2, DEL, or ESC to enter BIOS.
  • In the BIOS, find the ” power ” section or “advanced settings.”
  • Enable the LAN and then save changes before you exit the page.

2.    Enable LAN From The Control Panel

Below are the steps to follow;

  • Go to the control panel and click “network and internet.”
  • Click “network and sharing center,” which will direct you to “basic network information.” It contains information about network settings.
  • Click “change adapter settings” from the list on the left side of the screen; it will display the ethernet option.
  • Find the ethernet icon and right-click. The file will open, then enable the LAN from the file.

Final Thoughts

We are in a generation of wireless connections; however, ethernet ports on the motherboard are still very essential. The ports ensure fast and stable network connection and make a secure network between devices possible. This is why most motherboards have ethernet ports, but you can use a LAN or USB ethernet adapter if yours doesn’t.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    My Motherboard Has An In-Built Wi-Fi. Do I Need An Ethernet Cable, Too?

If your mother tongue has a default Wi-Fi or you already purchased a Wi-Fi adapter, you don’t need an ethernet cable for network connections. Once you have a router that has an internet connection, connect the router to your PC, and you will be connected to the internet.

2.    Why Is The Ethernet Port On The Motherboard Necessary?

The ethernet port on your PC’s motherboard is essential for a stable and swift internet connection. However, if your motherboard has an in-built Wi-Fi, you may not need or use the ethernet port.

3.    The Ethernet Port Or The Wi-Fi, Which One Is Faster?

The main advantage of the ethernet port is that it ensures a faster and more stable network connection. Even while using bandwidth, the ethernet port will provide a better and quicker network connection than the Wi-Fi.

4.    Do Motherboards Have Network Cards?

99.9% of most motherboards have a Network Interface Card (NIC) installed into the motherboard. Without the NIC, you won’t be able to use the ethernet connection on your PC.

5.    Can You Replace Ethernet Port On Your Motherboard?

You can replace your PC’s motherboard ethernet ports, but experts do not recommend it. This is because every component of the motherboard is interconnected; removing one part can damage the other. If you need to replace the port, you can buy another ethernet port from a computer store online or offline.

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